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Buying online?

Friday, December 1st, 2006

Most consumers today are still hesitant of buying items online because of lack of customer service, fear of buying the wrong item, difficulty in returning items, credit card fraud and security issues.

“Nearly half (48.4%) of online consumers are “extremely” concerned about the security or their personal information when purchasing products online, and 59% of online non-buyers cited transaction security fear as one of the top inhibitors of buying online.”

More than half of online shoppers still complete their purchases off-line and as the price and complexity of an item increases so does the likelihood of that online shopper making their purchase off-line at a physical store. This shows that consumer confidence is a big factor on top of security concerns for online purchases.


Hello world!

Wednesday, November 29th, 2006

Welcome to Poetic Truth, this is the worlds first Blog by Dr. Z